Patient Resources

New Patient Forms

We Want to Get to Know You

We believe that dental care should be uncomplicated in every way. For your convenience, we provide you with access to all the forms you’ll need for your first visit. Filling these forms out at your leisure means less time in the waiting room and more time to smile.

Sun Life
Lincoln Financial
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Accepted Insurances

Maximize Your Benefits

In addition to being in-network with a variety of major insurances, we are also happy to help you maximize your benefits and file a claim on your behalf.

Questions about insurance? Our expert team is here right now to help! Fill out the insurance verification form and we’ll be happy to help you make the most of your insurance benefits.

Verify Insurance

Start Your Dental Health Journey With Us

Request An Appointment Today

Flexible Financing Options


We work with [Lender], a nationally reputed healthcare lender, to ensure you get dental care that fits your needs, budget, and lifestyle. Our team members are standing by to answer any questions you may have and to help find out if you qualify for special financing.

Memberships as low as

$100 per month

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